5 Reasons Summer is the Perfect Season for LASIK

Why You Need LASIK Eye Surgery This Summer
Whenever we think about summer we tend to focus on our skin, but our eyes require equal amounts of care and attention. Relaxing summer days attract us to more outdoorsy, athletic activities, which all require healthy vision to join in on the fun. Unfortunately, the 2 1/2 hour drive to the beach simply should not happen if you can’t see. With that in mind, imagine all the summer activities that would be impossible without healthy eyesight. If you’re dealing with vision problems like near-sightedness, far-sightedness, or astigmatism, then consider LASIK surgery and make the most of summer before it ends. LASIK is a minimally invasive eye surgery that reduces your need for glasses or contacts. Here are 5 great reasons summer is the perfect season for LASIK.
1. You Can Go Swimming Without Depending On Your Glasses Or Contacts
LASIK surgery would enable you to take your eyes skinny-dipping. This summer you could experience the freedom to swim, splash, and dive with your bare eyes. Your eyes could be free to enjoy the scenery in their most natural and comfortable state. After LASIK, you won’t worry about losing your contacts as you wipe water from your eyes. You also won’t be nervous when someone accidentally splashes water in your eyes because your contacts can’t pop out or dry up if they aren’t there. Moreover, you can finally swim under the water with your eyes open. LASIK can help you make the most of your swimming experiences.
2. You Can Participate In Sports Without Any Visual Adaptations
For active people who enjoy their summer sports, contacts are better than glasses for obvious reasons. Most people assume contacts won’t get in the way or fall off your face as easily as glasses would. This is true. However, in terms of good, better, best, contacts aren’t actually the best for sports. They still run the risk of falling out and becoming lost. Also, the chances for losing your contacts increases with moderate to high intensity activities such as volleyball or jet skiing. Many people find that their decreased need for contacts and glasses permits them to play sports more freely. Just think how awesome it would be to enjoy summer sports without ever being that person who finds themself rummaging through the sand for a missing lens.
3. You Can Travel Without Carrying Extra Eye Supplies
When you wear glasses, you always carry the glasses on your face and their case inside your bag. If that sounds like a tongue twister, that’s nothing compared to wearing contacts. When you wear contacts, you carry all of that along with cleaning solution and an extra pair of contacts in case of emergencies. With LASIK, you don’t need to carry any of that stuff. People love traveling during the summer and luggage is stressful enough. Why shouldn’t you minimize the process starting with your health? You can go on day trips, on cruises, to Vegas, and to other fun summertime adventures with a healthy set of eyes. No contacts or glasses will be necessary to live in the moment.
4. Summer Allergies Are A Lot Less Irritating
In high pollen alert weather, contact lenses can pop out of your eyes. Plus they can develop a small rip, then tear in half. This typically happens when your contacts get dirty from itching and rubbing your eyes. Tears, rips, or dirt in your lenses are extremely uncomfortable. It’s also painful when your contacts get so dried up from allergies that they cling to your actual eyeball like one of those liquid skin bandages. Anyone who wears contacts and suffers from allergies definitely knows the feeling. Furthermore, pollen isn’t the only summer allergen. Insect bites are also typical irritants during the summer months. Although LASIK eye surgery can’t prevent allergies, it can take the edge off. At least you won’t have to wear contacts or glasses while your eyes are dried up or itchy.
5. You Are Most Likely To Save Money On LASIK During Summer
Schedules are way busier and all over the place as people enjoy their summer breaks. Therefore, the best time to get laser eye surgery is definitely summer time. First off, you will have a much easier time scheduling your laser eye surgery appointment in the summer because offices tend to be slower paced. Secondly, the price for Lasik can vary depending on the surgeon and the technology. However, qualified doctors may offer discounts when they’re trying to book appointments when it’s slow – that’s a deal!
Schedule Your LASIK Eye Surgery Consultation
For more information about Lasik, schedule your initial consultation with Marano Eye Care today!
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