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8 Questions to Ask Before Eye Surgery

The ability to see is an amazing and indispensable trait of our lives. The eyes are the window to our world. But unfortunately, few people’s eyes are perfect and fewer still will go through life unscathed. As we age, our eyes can experience a variety of changes for a variety of reasons, and sometimes symptoms will lead to the option of eye surgery. With how daunting surgery can seem, it is important to approach the surgery informed and assured. The overwhelming majority of eye surgeries performed leave people extremely happy and with an improved quality of life. But here are 8 questions to consider before having eye surgery.

What Exactly is _____? Can You Explain the Surgery to Me?

Whether you’re the patient or the physician, knowledge is truly power in the medical world. Following the directions of someone blindly rarely works out, and can cause serious frustration and confusion afterwards. This is why at Marano Eye Care, we endeavor to have each person be informed and fully understand their medical condition and the procedure ahead of him or her.

How Comfortable Are You Performing This Surgery?

With any surgery, you want to have a set of steady, experienced hands. That’s extra true when it comes to a body part as delicate as your eyes! Discuss your ophthalmologist’s experience with your specific surgery to gauge how comfortable they are with the procedure. If they’re not confident, you shouldn’t be either. An experienced surgeon, such as those at Marano Eye Care, lowers the chance of mistakes.

Do I Need Surgery or are there Alternatives?

Never agree to surgery without exploring all your options. It may be possible there is a non-invasive option that will be an effective alternative. Consider the following with cataracts. If you have 20/40 vision, considering getting eyeglasses or improving the prescription. When the cataracts are compounded with glare issues or when your vision far worse, surgery may be unavoidable. Learn more on our blog post about cataracts.

How Long Is Recovery?

Planning how long you will need to recover is a practical decision that will reduce stress and make any recovery significantly easier. If your doctor tells you that you should stay home for one to two days and avoid driving for 1-2 weeks, err on the side of caution and plan for the longer period. It will be much easier to curtail any aid you enlist than scrambling for help for yet another day.

What are the Risks? Are there any Side Effects?

The best way to mitigate any post-op jitters is to know what you may experience after surgery. Some sensations, such as soreness, are to be expected. With Lasik eye surgery, some people experience halos or glares when driving at night. This, like soreness, is temporary. Surgery is always going to carry more risks than putting eye glasses. It is your duty to yourself to make an informed decision regarding your condition and the surgery you undertake.

How Soon Should I do the Surgery?

As mentioned earlier, our eyes progress with age and, depending on the condition, lifestyle changes we make. Our visual field and acuity naturally fluctuates up to age 25, during pregnancy, and after approximately the age of 45. If your eyes haven’t been stable recently, a doctor may want to wait to do any surgery until proper monitoring has occurred. Similarly, if the eye condition is severe, your eye surgeon may want to expedite any operation to prevent further damage.

Are You Regularly Located Near Where the Surgery will be Done?

This is an oft-forgotten but important question that needs answering. In some cases, surgeons practice all over the state or out of the state as well. Others still are frequent lecturers who may leave town for another engagement. If this is the case, you may not have access to your doctor if there is a post-operative complication. Find a different doctor that you’re more comfortable with or become familiar and confident with an alternative within the practice.

Do I have any Existing Health Conditions that May Make Me a Less Than Ideal Candidate for Surgery?

Prior to surgery, you will be subject to a pre-operative examination. Make sure that you double check with your doctor about whether there are any findings that would make the surgery less-than-ideal. Remember, before the surgery, you will be asked to sign an informed consent document for surgeries such as Lasik in New Jersey. These papers are designed to protect doctors in all parts of the medical world.

Trust Your Eye Surgeon in NJ

At Marano Eye Care, our eye surgeons in Livingston, Denville, Newark, and Cedar Knolls, have thousands of successful surgeries under our belts. Talk to us today about a complete eye exam or any eye procedures you may need.

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